They Ask You Answer

A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today's Digital Consumer

They Ask You Answer

Book: They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan

Writer: Marcus Sheridan (Author), Krista Kotrla (Foreword)

They Ask You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today's Digital Consumer


They Ask, You Answer is a groundbreaking marketing book written by Marcus Sheridan, a renowned business strategist, and speaker. This revolutionary work introduces readers to a simple yet highly effective content-driven approach that can potentially transform how businesses market themselves in the digital age. Sheridan shares his experiences and proven strategies that have led to impressive results for companies worldwide.

Key Takeaways

  1. Answer customer questions: The core idea of They Ask, You Answer is to address every question your customers might have about your industry or product. By providing valuable content that answers these queries, you can establish your brand as an authority and build trust with your audience.

  2. Embrace transparency: Be transparent about pricing, processes, and any other aspect of your business that customers are curious about. This honesty will make you stand out from competitors who might be reluctant to share such information.

  3. Focus on education: Position your brand as an educational resource for consumers so they come to you first when seeking information about your industry.

  4. Implement a culture of content: Encourage everyone in your organization to contribute their knowledge and insights through blog posts or other forms of content.

  5. Leverage user-generated content: Invite customers to share their experiences with your products/services via reviews or testimonials.


  • They Ask, You Answer provides practical advice backed by real-life examples from Marcus Sheridan’s own journey as well as from businesses he has consulted for.

  • The book is easy-to-read and engaging with its conversational tone and relatable anecdotes.

  • The actionable steps provided make it simple for readers to implement the strategies discussed into their own marketing efforts.


  • Some readers may find certain aspects repetitive if they already know inbound marketing concepts.

  • The book largely focuses on the B2C sector and may not be as directly applicable to B2B companies.

Who It’s For

They Ask, You Answer is a must-read for business owners, marketers, or anyone looking to improve their digital marketing strategy. Its customer-centric approach makes it especially relevant for businesses in highly competitive industries or those experiencing stagnant growth.


Overall, They Ask, You Answer offers an innovative and highly effective approach to content marketing that has the potential to revolutionize your business strategy. With its insightful tips and engaging anecdotes, this book will resonate with readers searching for new ways to stand out in a crowded digital marketplace.

Call to Action

Don’t miss out on this game-changing marketing guide!

Get your copy of They Ask, You Answer now and unlock the power of answering your customers’ questions to skyrocket your business success!